Chris Olson's Film Review Blog


Reviewing Films Since 2010

Monday 28 November 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (2011)

The beginning of the end for this vampire fantasy/drama.

A few years back, the first Twilight (2008) film came out, starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, in what was an enjoyably cultish story about a girl who falls in love with a vampire. Since then, the franchise has become fiendishly profitable, encroaching upon endless amounts of popular culture and merchandising, with “Edward versus Jacob” debates taking place around the world.

This latest instalment sees Bella and Edward getting married, much to the disappointment of Bella’s unrequited heart-throb Jacob, who comes from a clan of wolves, whose intense rivalry with the local vampires, becomes the central theme for this movie. Whilst on honeymoon (spoiler alert), Edward gets Bella pregnant with his blood-sucking spawn, putting his love’s life at risk.

A particularly boring first half, the film failed to make any major progress in the story until about an hour in. While some minor peril is threatened from the wolf pack, very little conflict emerges in this part of the story, and it begs the question, with a very obvious answer, as to why the producers decided to split this film in two. The performances are stronger though, the main three players seeming to gain confidence with each movie, and Steward in particular tackles her difficult role well.

As always with the Twilight Saga films, the music was very enjoyable, a varied combination of indie tunes and tender piano tracks, creating a dark and emotive atmosphere. This could not save the rest of the film though, which seemed to slog through a couple of events with no sense of urgency.

Few could argue this was the best film of the series yet, but for those deeply involved with the Bella/Edward romance, I could see why some would like this movie. For the rest of you though, I would warn against seeing this film unless you like paying to be bored.

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