Chris Olson's Film Review Blog


Reviewing Films Since 2010

Monday 16 July 2012

Man On A Ledge (2012)

Gripping action thriller starring Sam Worthington as a man standing on the ledge of a hotel, whose motive becomes increasingly complex.

After escaping from the authorities during his father’s funeral, convicted thief Nick Cassidy (Worthington) manages to elude the cops long enough to book into a hotel, and apparently throw himself off it (scratching head moment?). The usual bombardment of boys in blue arrive on the scene, as the crowds being to gather, most of whom have a rather gruesome disposition, wanting to see this man plummet to his inevitably bloody death. Once Nick starts making demands, he calls for a specific negotiator, played by Elizabeth Banks, whose reputation for botching these situations up precedes her (another scratching head moment?).

Alongside this main plot, we see Jamie Bell and his girlfriend breaking into a building on the other side of the road, and it soon becomes clear that the two events are linked.

A worthwhile thriller, the plot moves with insatiable pace, and the facts of the story are revealed with explosive techniques. Similar in style to a film like Phone Booth, there is plenty of tension and urban splendour.

None of the performances are particular moving, but this is a film founded upon the events, not people. Although, Banks gives the best portrayal as the cop who learns the secret.

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