A film about the first part of Ernesto “Che” Guevara’s time as a revolutionary in Cuba, and his attempts to assist Fidel Castro in overthrowing the totalitarian ruler Batista.
Few political entities have had the same effect on popular culture than Che Guevara, his face has become unbreakably linked to ideas of communism, revolution and uprising. We have all seen the red and black banners, the t-shirts, and the caps with the red star on. However, the irony is that few people actually know anything about Guevara other than that he was a Cuban revolutionary. I myself must admit that I knew very little about him going into this film, but the experience has made me want to know more about this fascinating political figure.
Benicio Del Toro stars as Che, and we see his early movements as an exile in Batista’s Cuba, how be co-founded an armed resistance to the regime that was in charge, and how, ultimately, his myth among the common people grew. He was a doctor, and used his knowledge during the battles against Batista’s men to care for the wounded, but he also became a great tactician, as well as a thorough idealist. His principles for freeing the Cuban people from the shackles of oppression are what made him become a living legend.
Throughout the film, we see Che in an interview with an American reporter, where he talks about his life working for Castro, as well as his political motives. He also mentions his opposition to any international influence within Cuba, in particular the U.S., whom he sees as using a downtrodden country to bolster its own economy.
As a film, it was quite heavy, and demanded a lot from the viewer. More than half of the dialogue is in Spanish with subtitles, and the cut scenes between battles and the interview can be quite confusing. It is, however, quite an interesting historical representation of what is largely an unknown political struggle. Benecio Del Toro is perfect for this role, and he does well to encapsulate what is essentially one of the most charismatic politicians of all time.
Watch this if you have a deep interest in political/war films, or want to know more about a fascinating time in history, you should enjoy it. But, you will have to work for it.
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