As the Harry Potter franchise nears its end, the penultimate film is the darkest, and most enjoyable film so far.
The film sees the famous trio, Harry Ron and Hermione, battle against Voldemort's underlings after the death of Professor Dumbledor in the previous film. This time, the action takes place away from Hogwarts, the magical school, and in the real world of modern Britain.
A stunning production, with many scenes utilizing the horror that occurs in the book to full effect. The characters are developed well, and there is a sense of clarity that a couple of the other films seemed to lack. Performance wise, Daniel Radcliff as Harry Potter gives his most impressive yet, and Emma Watson is worthy of mention, as the film offers more of her story this time, allowing for a deeper portrayal.
As with any story split into two parts, the Deathly Hallows part one, will make audiences yearn for the next installment, and if this film is anything to measure by, I cannot wait for the final adventure!
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