During a long road trip home from college, siblings Patricia and Darry stumble upon a horrifying creature who hunts for body parts, and stores the remaining corpses stacked inside a church basement. As the creature turns his attention to the brother and sister, the long journey home becomes a terrifying adventure of flesh-eating chaos.
Centred around an urban myth of a demon who rises ever 23 years for 23 days, during which time "it gets to eat", the film is set in the lonely countryside of America, where houses are sparse, and help is distant. Director Victor Salva has managed to cast two excellent actors to play the two lead roles. Justin Long (Dodgeball and Die Hard 4.0) is superb as Darry, the reckless youth who is thrown literally face first into the creature's world. Gina Philips (Jennifer's Shadow) adds a great dimension to the pairing, as the sensitive worrier, whose character develops considerably over the course of the film.
There are moments during the film which pander to the typical conventions of horror blockbusters, such as questionable motives behind the siblings' behaviour...why do these people feel the need to turn back and find out what lurks beneath?! But for the most part, Salva has created a decent horror film, which maintains a high level of scariness and mystery to keep the viewer entertained without bordering the ridiculous.
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