"The Walking Dredd"
Ever wondered who would win in a fight between Zombies and Killer Robots? Of course you have, it is the fundamental question we as a society have been pondering for decades, and now (finally), the two are pitted against each other in this action/sci-fi caper.
Battle of the Damned takes place inside a contaminated city, where a deadly virus outbreak has turned most of the civilians into flesh-eating freaks. Max Gatling (Dolph Lundgren) is sent into the zone to rescue a particular female survivor (Melanie Zanetti), who has managed to stay alive with a small bunch of misfits.
When Max attempts to complete his mission, though, he is hindered not only by the army of walking dead that seek to devour him, but also Duke (David Field) the leader of the group of survivors - who doesn’t take kindly to this muscle-headed usurper. When all the odds seem against him, Max receives support from an unlikely gaggle of homicidal robots!
Nerdgasms will flow through the viral world at the plot of this movie, and rightly so. An action film starring Dolph Lundgren that pits Zombies against Killer Robots, surely if ever there was a recipe for success? However, the lukewarm result will see many viewers damning this particular battle.
The action is intense and the special effects are decent, but there is no depth to the story. Attempts at making emotional connections to the characters are tenuous, whilst the main arc of the movie seems unfulfilling. Also, the film opts for a short running time, leaving barely any prologue to what caused the viral outbreak, and no sense of intimation about the future.
Fans of action sci-fi, like I Robot or The Terminator films, should approach this film with caution. It will not deliver on an emotional or intellectual level, and should be seen more as a Battle L.A or Skyline attempt - films that fell way below their potential.
Battle of the Damned, whilst providing some adrenaline fuelled chase scenes and gun fights, fails to elevate itself above being mere cannon fodder in the genre, and will leave audiences not giving a damn.
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